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0x8800 - Temperature

Type: s16

Name: temperature (1)

Temperature value is in (°C * 100)


If value is 0x1234 = 4660 = 46.60 °C

If value is 0xFBEB = -1045 = -10.45 °C


[number] // Unit: Celcius

0x8801 - Pressure

Type: u32

Name: pressure (1)

Pressure value is in (hPa * 1000000)


If value is 0x3D17C27F = 1024967295 = 1024.967295 hPa


[number] // Unit: hPa

0x8802 - Humidity

Type: u16

Name: humidity (1)

Humidity value is in (percentage * 10)


If value is 0x0237 = 567 = 56.7%


[number] // percentage

0x8803 - Light Intensity

Type: u16

Name: light-intensity (1)

Light intensity (illuminance) value in Lux.

0x8806 - Pressure Hysteresis

Type: u16

Name: pressure-hysteresis (4)


[number] // Unit: hPa

This value configures pressure hysteresis. Set to 0 to disable pressure hysteresis.

Max value: 4096

Pressure unit: hPa

0x8810 - Motion

Type: u8

Name: motion (1)

Motion state with cause. A value other than 0 indicates motion.

Value Description
0x00 Not in motion
0x01 Motion (unknown cause)
0x10 Motion due to accelerometer channel 1
0x11 Motion due to accelerometer channel 2
0x20 Motion due to PIR sensor active


Offset Type Description Dictionary Version
1:4 u32 Transition Counter 4
5 u8 Flags 4
Flags bit Name Description
7:1 - Reserved
0 Transition Set on motion state transition (zero -> nonzero, nonzero -> zero)


  "transitionCounter": [number],
  "isTransition": [boolean]

The Transition Counter is incremented every time motion state changes from zero to non-zero and non-zero to zero. This counter can be used to detect missing motion events.

The Transition flag is set when motion is reported and there is a transition in motion state since last time it was reported.

0x8813 - Total Minutes In Motion

Type: u32

Name: total-minutes-in-motion (1)

Total minutes device remained in motion. It will increase till 0xFFFFFFFF and stay there.

0x8820 - Accelerometer Data

Offset Field Description
0:1 AX 0 degree = -1g, 90 degrees = 0g, 180 degrees = 1g
2:3 AY 0 degree = -1g, 90 degrees = 0g, 180 degrees = 1g
4:5 AZ 0 degree = -1g, 90 degrees = 0g, 180 degrees = 1g
6:7 MG Calculated acceleration vector in mg (mill g)


If AX, AY, AZ is 999, it means: Angle measurement not active.


If MG is 0xFFFF, it means: Calculated acceleration vector: An error or unavailable.

Name: accelerometer-data (1)


  "ax": [number],
  "ay": [number],
  "az": [number],
  "mg": [number]

0x8830 - Hall Effect

Type: u8

Name: hall-effect (1)

For devices that need to report hall effect state in real-time.

Value Description
0 Inactive
1 Active

0x8831 - Hall Effect Counter

Type: u32

Name: hall-effect-counter (1)

Total hall effect interrupt count. It will increase till 0xFFFFFFFF and return to 0 and again increase to 0xFFFFFFFF and repeat sequence.

0x8840 - Mains Voltage

Type: u32

Name: mains-voltage (3)

Voltage value is in (V * 1000)


If value is 0x00035B97 = 220055 = 220.055 V

0x8841 - Mains Current

Type: s32

Name: mains-current (3)

Current value is in (A * 10000)


If value is 0x000271F1 = 160241 = 16.0241 A

0x8842 - Mains Power

Type: s32

Name: mains-power (3)

Power value is in (W * 10000)


If value is 0x006D5324 = 7164708 = 716.4708 W

0x8850 - EnOcean Config (BETA)

Name: enocean-config (9)

Offset Type Description
0 u8 Mode
1 u8 Priority: 0-4
Mode Description
0 Disabled
1 Enabled (no authentication)


JSON Property Type Description
mode number Mode
priority number Priority

JSON Example (press/release):

  "mode": 1,
  "priority": 2

0x8858 - EnOcean PTM 215B Data (BETA)

Name: enocean-ptm-215b-data (9)


This is typically reported as an event. The event sequence number is the least significant byte of the 32-bit Sequence Counter in the EnOcean data telegram payload.


Optional Data bytes in EnOcean data telegram payload is ignored.

Offset Type Description
0 u8 Switch Status
1:4 u32 Sequence Counter
Switch Status bits Description
7:5 Reserved (shall be 0b000)
4 B1: 0 = No Action, 1 = Action.
3 B0: 0 = No Action, 1 = Action.
2 A1: 0 = No Action, 1 = Action.
1 A0: 0 = No Action, 1 = Action.
0 ACTION TYPE: 0 = Release Action, 1 = Press Action.


JSON Property Type Description
button string Button ID: "B1", "B0", "A1" or "A0"
action string Button Action: "press" or "release"
seq number Sequence Counter

JSON Example (press/release):

  "button": "B1",
  "action": "press",
  "seq": 12    
  "button": "B1",
  "action": "release",
  "seq": 13