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Compulab IOT-GATE-IMX8PLUS 2031


Compulab IOT-GATE-IMX8PLUS 2031 is a gateway host. To work as a gateway for the Meshtech BLE network it needs to be paired with a USB BLE adapter, for example a Raytac MDBT50Q-RX 0040.

This hardware is sourced from Compulab. See Compulab IOT-GATE-IMX8PLUS for hardware details.

Configuration and monitoring of the gateway is available through Meshtech Device Management Portal.

  • Firmware Model Number: 0x2031
  • Downlinks: Up to 18

Normal Operation Procedure

Start by inserting a Raytac MDBT50Q-RX 0040 into the USB port. Use the USB port on the back, furthest toward the edge:

Make sure Raytac MDBT50Q-RX 0040 is not already configured. If you are unsure, you can always perform a factory reset of Raytac MDBT50Q-RX 0040 first. Apply power (PoE support in ETH2) by PoE or 12V power plug. Device need to get IP/network settings by DHCP on the ethernet port. If properly configured and able to reach the internet (MQTT with TLS port 8883, and DNS query) it will provision itself towards There you can log in, claim, activate and configure it. Raytac MDBT50Q-RX 0040 BLE MAC address will be used as gateway's ID. Use gateway ID or Compulab IOT-GATE-IMX8PLUS serial number for claiming.


Property Reported Default Value Notes
0x8000 - Model Number Yes -
0x8001 - Firmware Version Yes -
0x8002 - Hardware Version Yes -
0x8003 - MAC Address No -
0x8005 - Production Info Extended No -
0x8007 - Variant Yes -
0x8008 - Public Key No -
0x8009 - Host Public Key No -
0x8010 - Activated No -
0x8020 - Power Source Yes -
0x8101 - Uptime No -
0x8110 - Device Mode Yes 0x02
0x8120 - Firmware Update State Yes
0x8121 - Start Firmware Update -
0x8122 - Firmware Update Control -
0x8124 - Start Firmware Broadcast -
0x8125 - Firmware Broadcast State Yes
0x8126 - Firmware Broadcast Control -
0x8201 - Debug No 0x00000000
0x8211 - RSSI Throttling Limit Yes 0x00
0x8212 - Downlink Configuration 2 Yes 0x03000112
0x8220 - Property Throttling Yes 0x00
0x8221 - RSSI Reporting Yes 0x01 (true)
0x8222 - Measurement Reporting Yes 0x01 (true)
0x8223 - Event Reporting Yes 0x01 (true)
0x8228 - Network Mode Yes 0x00
0x8230 - General Advertisement Reporting No 0x000000
0x8250 - Log to Disk Yes 0x00
0x8251 - Log Debug Yes 0x00
0x8252 - Log RX Yes 0x00
0x8253 - Log TX Yes 0x00
0x8254 - Log RX Encrypted Yes 0x00
0x8255 - Log TX Encrypted Yes 0x00
0x8300 - Soft Reset - -
0x8301 - Factory Reset - -
0x8302 - Request Property Reporting - -
0x8304 - Start Downstream Throughput Test - -
0x8305 - Throughput Test Packet Counter No 0x00000000
0x8320 - Destroy Network Below - -
0x8321 - Destroy Network Below Child - -
0x8322 - Network Tree No -
0x8330 - Flush Property Cache -
0x8400 - Performance Counter Reporting Interval Yes 0x0000
0x8401 - Performance Counter Reporting Priority Yes 0x02
0x8410 - Upstream Packets Sent No 0x00000000
0x8411 - Upstream Packets Lost No 0x00000000
0x8412 - Downstream Packets Sent No 0x00000000
0x8413 - Downstream Packets Lost No 0x00000000
0x8850 - EnOcean Config (BETA) Yes 0x0002
0x9000 - Scan Window Yes 0x18 (24 %)
0x9002 - Network Lock Yes 0x00 (0)
0x9020 - Offer RSSI Threshold Yes 0xA6 (-90)
0xFF00 - Scan Mode - - Host internal property


Scan Window range is 5 - 95 %. It is highly recommended to not increase scan-window above 24 % (default). Increases beyond 24 % can negatively affect throughput.


After performing factory-reset (by writing 0x8301 - Factory Reset command property) it is necessary to "Clear token" in Device Management before gateway can provision itself if you use same USB BLE adapter. You will also need to activate and send required configuration (typically backend.json) to use it again.


Performing factory reset of a paired Raytac MDBT50Q-RX 0040 (by pressing button while applying power, then additional button press for 5+sec) will also cause host to factory reset.


0x8410 - Upstream Packets Sent
0x8411 - Upstream Packets Lost
0x8412 - Downstream Packets Sent
0x8413 - Downstream Packets Lost


Product Name Variant Description
Compulab IOT-GATE-IMX8PLUS 2031-01 0x01 Ethernet

Release Notes

Release Notes

