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0x8000 - Model Number

Type: u16

Name: model-number (1)

Model Number. This is the firmware identifier.


Devices will report 0x8007 - Variant simultaneously with this property.

0x8001 - Firmware Version

Name: firmware-version (1)

Offset Type Description
0 u8 Major
1 u8 Minor
2 u8 Patch
3 u8 Beta (optional)

Beta field will normally only be present for beta versions. In this case, its value will be in the range 1-255. A value of 0 can be ignored and the version should be treated as a production release.


"{major}.{minor}.{patch}" |

0x8002 - Hardware Version

Name: hardware-version (1)

Offset Type Description
0 u8 Major
1 u8 Minor


If hardware version is unknown the value 0.0 is used



0x8003 - MAC Address

Type: mac-address

Name: mac-address (1)

Bluetooth MAC address.


Not reported.

0x8005 - Production Info Extended (BETA)

Type: dictionary

Name: production-info-extended (unreleased)

Key Type Description
0 u48 MAC Address
1 u16 Model Number
2 u8 Variant
3 u8 [4] Firmware Version
4 u8 [65] Public Key
5 u32 Chip
6 u32 Chip Variant
7 u32 Chip Package

0x8006 - Production Info

Type: u32

Name: production-info (1)


Not reported.

0x8007 - Variant

Type: u8

Name: variant (1)

Device variant.

One firmware (Model Number) can operate differently depending on the value of this property.

The combination of 0x8000 - Model Number and 0x8007 - Variant defines the Meshtech Product Name.


A value of 0 or 255 indicates that variant is unused.


Devices will report 0x8000 - Model Number simultaneously with this property.

0x8008 - Public Key (BETA)

Name: public-key (unreleased)

ECDSA P-256/spec256r1 device public key. The key is in uncompressed format (65 bytes).

0x8009 - Host Public Key (BETA)

Name: host-public-key (unreleased)

ECDSA P-256/spec256r1 host public key. The key is in uncompressed format (65 bytes).

If no key exists, the value will be a 65-byte array of all 0's. This indicates that the dongle is unpaired. The key is used for pairing with the host and can be written once.


This property is only applicable to extender dongles when operating as gateway.

0x8010 - Activated (BETA)

Type: bool

Name: activated (unreleased)

Set to true when gateway is activated. A gateway dongle must be activated before it can be used.


This property is only applicable to extender dongles when operating as gateway.


This property can only be written from Meshtech Device Management.

0x8020 - Power Source

Type: u8

Name: power-source (1)

Value Description
0 Unknown
1 Mains powered
2 Battery powered
3 Mains powered, with backup battery


"unknown" | "mains" | "battery" | "mains-with-backup-battery"