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0x8200 - Accelerometer Configuration

Name: accelerometer-configuration (1)

Configuration of accelerometer (IIS2DH).

Offset Type Description
0 u8 Bit3 to Bit0 – for ODR setting (See ODR settings table)
Bit5 to Bit4 – for FS setting (00: ±2 g; 01: ±4 g; 10: ±8 g; 11: ±16 g)
Bit6 – Interrupt 1 enable (1) / disable (0)
Bit7- Interrupt 2 enable (1) / disable (0)
1 u8 Interrupt 1 threshold. Refer Interrupt threshold section
2 u8 Interrupt 1 duration. Refer Interrupt duration section
3 u8 Interrupt 1 blocking time. Avoid all interrupt for (X * 100 ms) after occurrence of interrupt.
4 u8 Interrupt 1 counter to switch in use to not in use and vice versa.
5 u8 Interrupt 2 threshold. Refer Interrupt threshold section
6 u8 Interrupt 2 duration. Refer Interrupt duration section

ODR Settings:

ODR3 ODR2 ODR1 ODR0 Power mode selection
0 0 0 0 Power-down mode
0 0 0 1 HR / Normal / Low-power mode (1 Hz)
0 0 1 0 HR / Normal / Low-power mode (10 Hz)
0 0 1 1 HR / Normal / Low-power mode (25 Hz)
0 1 0 0 HR / Normal / Low-power mode (50 Hz)
0 1 0 1 HR / Normal / Low-power mode (100 Hz)
0 1 1 0 HR / Normal / Low-power mode (200 Hz)
0 1 1 1 HR / Normal / Low-power mode (400 Hz)
1 0 0 0 Low-power mode (1.620 kHz)
1 0 0 1 HR/ Normal (1.344 kHz)
Low-power mode (5.376 kHz)

Interrupt Threshold:

Bit Description
0:6 1 LSB = 16 mg @ FS = 2 g
1 LSB = 32 mg @ FS = 4 g
1 LSB = 62 mg @ FS = 8 g
1 LSB = 186 mg @ FS = 16 g
7 always 0

Interrupt Duration:

Bit Description
0:6 1 LSB = 1/ODR
7 always 0


Bits 0 to 6 set the minimum duration of the interrupt event to be recognized. Duration steps and maximum values depend on the ODR chosen. Duration time is measured in N/ODR, where N is the content of duration register.


Offset Value Description
0 D3 Both interrupt enabled, ±4g, 25 Hz ODR
1 20 1024 mg
2 00 0 ms
3 03 blocking time is 3 * 100 = 300 ms
4 05 Switch device status after 5 interrupt detections (do not count interrupt during blocking time). Duration between each interrupt must be less than 30 second, else reset counter.
5 18 768 mg
6 19 1000 ms


  "odr": ["powerdown"|"1Hz"|"10Hz"|"25Hz"|"50Hz"|"100Hz"|"200Hz"|"400Hz"|"low-power"|"mixed"],
  "fs": ["2g"|"4g"|"8g"|"16g"],
     "enable": [boolean],
     "threshold": [number],
     "duration": [number],
     "blockingTime": [number],
     "motionCount": [number]
     "enable": [boolean],
     "threshold": [number],
     "duration": [number]

0x8201 - Debug

Type: u32

Name: debug (10)

Set to a non-zero value to enable debug features.


This is intended for internal use by Meshtech and may alter device operation. Use with caution.

0x8202 - Demo Mode

Type: bool

Name: demo-mode (1)

Devices supporting Demo Mode will have this property.

0x8203 - Heartbeat Interval

Type: u16

Name: heartbeat-interval (1)

Heartbeat interval in seconds.

Default Value for all devices is 10 minutes.

0x8204 - Motion to Not In Motion Timeout

Type: u16

Name: motion-to-not-in-motion-timeout (1)

Device will switch from motion to not in motion state if no motion event occurred for this time. Value is in seconds.

Default Value for all devices: 60 seconds

Name: downlink-configuration (1)

Offset Type Description
0 u8 Bits[7:4] = Reserved Beacon Connections, Bits[3:0] = Reserved Node Connections
1 u8 Bits[7:4] = Reserved Temporary Connections, Bits[3:0] = Maximum Connections


  "beacons": [number],
  "nodes": [number],
  "temporary": [number],
  "max": [number]


The sum of reserved Connections must be less than or equal to Maximum Connections.


The max value for Maximum Connections is device dependent.

0x8211 - RSSI Throttling Limit

Type: s8

Name: rssi-throttling-limit (1)

Set to forward unconnected data only if RSSI is greater than or equal to a limit. Set to 0 to disable.


When set to -80, a network extender will discard all unconnected data received with less than -80 dBm.

Name: downlink-configuration-2 (6)

Offset Type Description
0 u8 Reserved Extender Connections (Maximum value: 15)
1 u8 Reserved Node Connections
2 u8 Reserved Temporary Connections
3 u8 Maximum Connections


  "extenders": [number],
  "nodes": [number],
  "temporary": [number],
  "max": [number]


The sum of reserved Connections must be less than or equal to Maximum Connections.


The max value for Maximum Connections is device dependent.


Do not change this configuration parameter unless you are have a good understanding of the consequences.

0x8220 - Property Throttling

Type: bool

Name: property-throttling (1)

When set to true, property updates are only generated when the property value differs from the currently cached value. Since many device properties change state very infrequently, this can save a substantial amount of upstream traffic and reduce the load on the backend server/broker.


When enabled, the property cache must be explicitly flushed to synchronize gateway property cache and backend property state.

Value Description
0 Disabled
1 Enabled

0x8221 - RSSI Reporting

Type: bool

Name: rssi-reporting (1)

When set to false, all RSSI reporting is disabled. This can be useful to reduce upstream traffic from the gateway, but also limits tracking capability.

Value Description
0 Disabled
1 Enabled

0x8222 - Measurement Reporting

Type: bool

Name: measurement-reporting (1)

When set to false, all measurement reporting is disabled. This can be useful to reduce upstream traffic from the gateway, when no measurements are needed.

Value Description
0 Disabled
1 Enabled

0x8223 - Event Reporting

Type: bool

Name: event-reporting (1)

When set to false, all event reporting is disabled. This can be useful to reduce upstream traffic from the gateway, when no events are needed.


This will also disable critical events, like Storage Mode Event.

Value Description
0 Disabled
1 Enabled

0x8228 - Network Mode

Type: u8

Name: network-mode (9)

Value Description
0 Scan
1 Power Saving


In Scan mode scanning is on permanently. This mode is required to interact with and continuously get data from Unconnected devices.

Power Saving

In Power Saving mode scanning is turned off when the network has been stable for 5 minutes. Scanning is turned on for 5 minutes if one or more devices are removed from the network (i.e. devices disconnect).

If a device disconnects, the parent extender will scan for reconnect advertisements to allow the child to reconnect. If the child is unable to reconnect in 20 seconds, the parent will give up and the child (and its children if any) will be removed from the network. This will trigger a full scan for the entire network for 5 minutes.

Power Saving mode is ideal for networks with battery powered extenders and connected sensors.


This mode is not suited for systems where devices are moved in and out of the network range. If a device is moved out of the network range for more than 5 minutes, the network will turn off scanning and the device will not automatically join the network when it comes back into the network range.

0x8230 - General Advertisement Reporting

Name: general-advertisement-reporting (3)

This is used to configure reporting of BLE advertisements from non-Meshtech devices.

Offset Type Description
0 u8 Type. Set to 0 to disable.
1 u8 Priority. Valid range: 0 - 4
2 u8 Allow private MAC address. 0 = no, 1 = yes


Value Description
0 Disabled
1 Generate RSSI

0x8250 - Log to Disk

Type: bool

Name: log-to-disk (3)

Set to enable logging to disk.


Use with caution. Keeping disk logging on for extended periods can cause flash wear.

0x8251 - Log Debug

Type: bool

Name: log-debug (7)

Enable debug level logging.

0x8252 - Log RX

Type: bool

Name: log-rx (7)

Enable RX logging.


Enabling RX logging will cause all data received from the BLE network to be written to the log. This can expose sensitive information to entities that have access to the log. Use with caution and typically for debugging purposes.

0x8253 - Log TX

Type: bool

Name: log-tx (7)

Enable TX logging.


Enabling TX logging will cause all data written to the BLE network to be written to the log. This can expose sensitive information to entities that have access to the log. Use with caution and typically for debugging purposes.

0x8254 - Log RX Encrypted

Type: bool

Name: log-rx-encrypted (10)

Enable RX Encrypted logging.

0x8255 - Log TX Encrypted

Type: bool

Name: log-tx-encrypted (10)

Enable TX Encrypted logging.

0x8260 - Temperature Measurement Reporting

Type: bool

Name: temperature-measurement-reporting (4)

Enable/disable temperature measurement reporting.

0x8261 - Pressure Measurement Reporting

Type: bool

Name: pressure-measurement-reporting (4)

Enable/disable pressure measurement reporting.

0x8262 - Humidity Measurement Reporting

Type: bool

Name: humidity-measurement-reporting (4)

Enable/disable humidity measurement reporting.

0x8263 - Light Intensity Measurement Reporting

Type: bool

Name: light-intensity-measurement-reporting (4)

Enable/disable light intensity measurement reporting.

0x8264 - Vibration Notification

Type: bool

Name: vibration-notification (7)

Enable/disable vibration feedback/notification.

0x8265 - Sound Notification

Type: bool

Name: sound-notification (7)

Enable/disable buzzer sound feedback/notification.