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0x8000 - Model Number

Type: u16

Name: model-number (1)

Model Number. This is the firmware identifier.


Devices will report 0x8007 - Variant simultaneously with this property.

0x8001 - Firmware Version

Name: firmware-version (1)

Offset Type Description
0 u8 Major
1 u8 Minor
2 u8 Patch
3 u8 Beta (optional)

Beta field will normally only be present for beta versions. In this case, its value will be in the range 1-255. A value of 0 can be ignored and the version should be treated as a production release.


"{major}.{minor}.{patch}" |

0x8002 - Hardware Version

Name: hardware-version (1)

Offset Type Description
0 u8 Major
1 u8 Minor


If hardware version is unknown the value 0.0 is used



0x8003 - MAC Address

Type: mac-address

Name: mac-address (1)

Bluetooth MAC address.


Not reported.

0x8005 - Production Info Extended

Type: dictionary

Key Type Description
0 u48 MAC Address
1 u16 Model Number
2 u8 Variant
3 u8 [4] Firmware Version
4 u8 [65] Public Key
5 u32 Chip
6 u32 Chip Variant
7 u32 Chip Package

0x8006 - Production Info

Type: u32

Name: production-info (1)


Not reported.

0x8007 - Variant

Type: u8

Name: variant (1)

Device variant.

One firmware (Model Number) can operate differently depending on the value of this property.

The combination of 0x8000 - Model Number and 0x8007 - Variant defines the Meshtech Product Name.


A value of 0 or 255 indicates that variant is unused.


Devices will report 0x8000 - Model Number simultaneously with this property.

0x8008 - Public Key

Name: public-key (10)

ECDSA P-256/spec256r1 device public key. The key is in uncompressed format (65 bytes).

0x8009 - Host Public Key

Name: host-public-key (10)


This property is written internally by the gateway host. It is only applicable to extender dongles when operating as gateway.

ECDSA P-256/spec256r1 host public key. The key is in uncompressed format (65 bytes).

If no key exists, the value will be a 65-byte array of all 0's. This indicates that the dongle is unpaired. The key is used for pairing with the host and can be written once.

0x8010 - Activated

Type: u8

Name: activated (10)

Value Description
0 Deactivated
1 Activated

A gateway must be activated before it can be used.


This property is only applicable when extenders operate as gateway.


This property can only be written from Meshtech Device Management.

0x8020 - Power Source

Type: u8

Name: power-source (1)

Value Description
0 Unknown
1 Mains powered
2 Battery powered
3 Mains powered, with backup battery


"unknown" | "mains" | "battery" | "mains-with-backup-battery"