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Device Management Portal aims at managing operations with the devices.


The user receives an invitation on email, follows it and creates a new password.


Meshtech assigns the gateways to the customers or the customers claim their gateways. They are available in Gateways section. One customer can have several users. Each one of them have access to the same gateways.

Tags are created to simplify filtration.


Such tags as lab1-gw and lab2-gw can be added to the GWs to distinguish their location inside of the same building.

Filtration fields are not case sensitive.

From the Gateways section, one or more gateways can be selected and assigned New job. A job can be used to send backend configuration and/or upgrade selected Gateways.

Claim can be used by a customer to claim a gateway if it's not yet assigned. If a gateway is already assigned, claiming will result in an error. Claiming can be done using ID (gateway ID, typically BLE MAC address of adapter) or SN (serial number of host machine). MeshConnect2011 gateway ID should always start with "bmac-", for example "bmac-aabbccddeeff". Gateways using USB BLE adapter use only BLE MAC as ID, for example "aabbccddeeff".

The gateway's ID is clickable and contains information about the gateway. Clicking the ID allows interaction with the gateway and devices in range of it's network.

The following tab's are available for each gateway:


Shows various information about the selected gateway.

Sync is used to refresh information about the selected gateway.

Clear token is used to clear a provisioning token. This is typically needed after a gateway has been factory-reset to allow it to re-provision itself.


If the provisioning token is lost, the provisioned gateway cannot be connected and activated. The provisioning token should be cleared in order for the gateway to connect again.

Factory Reset combines sending request to gateway to factory reset and clears token.

Unclaim means that the association with the selected gateway to your Customer is removed, and any other customer will be able to Claim then use the gateway. Gateways supporting Activation/Deactivation must be in Deactivated state before Unclaim is allowed.


In Network the hierarchy of the devices connected to the selected gateway can be requested.

Pin to Parent tab in Interact multiple dialog is used to pin a chosen devices to a preferred parent.

Firmware tab in Interact multiple dialog can be used to collectively upgrade devices' firmware.

Network tree representation is configurable and can be changed to horizontal, vertical or tree in Change view.

It is possible to read/write properties in decoded and hex modes. In a menu next to the device's MAC, select a property in a drop-down menu Interact.

In Firmware, the device firmware can be upgraded immediately or applied later. The "return" button refreshes the firmware upgrade status.

In Ping, the time used to get a response from the chosen device.


In Devices, all of the devices that are connected to a selected gateway, plus unconnected devices nearby can be requested.


In Statistics, such metrics are presented as:

Interval - is an timeperiod the statistics is for, Hourly and Daily available options

Node/Beacon connection timeout is a leaf node/beacon in the network tree disconnects because of a lost connection due to timeout

Backend disconnect is a number of times the backend was disconnected

BLE GW reset is a number of times a GW was reset

Accelerometer configuration is a number of accelerometer config errors

Temporary connection timeout is a number of connection timeout for temporary connections

Management disconnect is a number of times the chosen device disconnected from Device Management Backend

MT messages sent is a number of MT messages that were sent to the chosen device

MT messages received is a number of MT messages that were received from the chosen device

Error code events is a number of error code events


In Log gateway logs can be requested.

Firmware Broadcast

Firmware broadcast is an efficient way to upgrade many devices of the same type at the same time. It requires devices to be upgraded to be in connected device mode, and connected to the gateway. Status button request the current status of firmware broadcast from the gateway. Only one firmware broadcast can be ongoing at the same time per gateway. You can start a firmware broadcast by first selecting Model Number for the device you wish to upgrade, and Version you wish them upgraded to, then click Start to start the upgrade. It will take some time to finish. You can inquire the progress by clicking the Status button. If you wish to cancel a firmware broadcast, you can do that by clicking the Abort button after having requested the Status.


Command Line Interface (CLI) with a set of commands available. To show available commands help command can be used.


Gateways are delivered in a deactivated state. To use a gateway for anything meaningful, you must first Activate it. You can request to read a gateways current activation state by clicking the Sync button. If you plan to not use a gateway for some time, you can Deactivate it.


Not applicable for MeshConnect2011 gateways.


Jobs section lists running and completed jobs. Job is an operation over a gateway. Naming a job is optional.

To create a new job, select one or more gateways in the Gateways section by ticking the checkbox in the left column and click the New job button on top.


It's only possible to select several gateways of the same type to create one job for them.


Several gateways can be firmware upgraded at once if they have the same type - for example, MeshConnect 2011.

To firmware upgrade the gateway:

  • Go to Gateways tab
  • Select a gateway(s) to upgrade
  • Create a new job
  • Name a job "Firmware upgrade" (optional)
  • In Firmware Upgrade section, choose the desired version of FW
  • Submit

The new job is created and added to the list of all jobs with its type, creation date, status and the list of gateways, where it's possible to see which gateways are queued, in progress, succeeded, failed, canceled, rejected, removed or timed out.

If Show all is checked, beta FW versions also appear.

It is possible to add a backend configuration file and choosing an upgrade option. The backend config file can be generated in Configuration Wizard.

Configuration Wizard

Configuration Wizard section simplifies generating the gateway configs.

  • Choose Backend config
  • Click Create
  • Choose the type
  • Indicate the server (i.e.
  • Choose the port
  • Write your userName and password
  • Choose the mode
  • Enable Use TLS if needed
  • Add Root Certificates if needed
  • Write Topic Prefix if needed
  • Select Disable Subscribe if needed
  • Click View config
  • Save to file or continue editing parameters

The new generated backend config was saved. To use it, switch to Gateways section. Choose one or more gateways, create job and select a Backend file in Configurations section.


In Firmware section there are official and beta versions for the devices available for download and further use. Gateways will fetch firmware automatically if needed when device upgrade jobs are started.

User Settings

In User Settings it is possible to change an account's email and subscribe to email notifications if there are new releases for chosen devices.


Set Backend Config

Example of how to set the backend server from Device Management Portal.

  • Choose Configuration Wizard section
  • Choose Backend config
  • Click Create

In a new backend configuration window:

  • Choose 'MT2' Type
  • Write '' to Server
  • Choose '1883' Port
  • Write userName
  • Write password
  • Choose 'raw' mode
  • Click View config
  • Click Save to file

The new backend config file backend.json is saved. In order to change the GW's config, go to Gateways section:

  • Select the gateway(s) to configure
  • Click New job
  • Write Backend config in Job name (optional)
  • In Configurations section, click Choose File and navigate to and select to upload the saved backend.json
  • Click Submit

The job has appeared in the list with a Job type setGatewayBackendConfig, a date when created, a Job status COMPLETED and 1 device in DEVICES SUCCEEDED column.

Read/Write Property

Example of how to read/write properties on Device Management Portal.

  • Select a gateway in Gateways
  • Choose Network or Devices section
  • Click Request
  • Choose a device
  • Click on ID or click option button and choose interact with a device

To read, in a new Read/Write properties window:

  • Select a property 'device-mode' in a drop-down menu
  • Click Read
  • Receive a value "connected"

To write, in the Read/Write properties window:

  • Select a property "led-0-control"
  • Write 1000
  • Wait for a device's red LED light